Faithful Heart Productions

A child of the LA entertainment industry, Sara Rose spent most of her adult life as far away from it as she could get...
Carving out an unscripted existence of British Isles backpacking, off-grid living, making music and selling her art whilst living out of a suitcase, traversing the world on a shoestring, often taking care of other people's homes, families, farms and businesses along the way...
Until her true calling - Writing, Music and Acting - finally brought her back full circle to "showbiz", armed with the perspective and faith gained on a 17 year long journey "home".
Coming back to LA fall of 2018 to start from scratch with one completed feature script under her belt, Sara began writing for the local Topanga Newspaper; co-hosted and then led a 20 person weekly screenwriter's group, wrote a second, award winning feature script, several episodes and a show bible for a series, sang with Bing Crosby's grandson at the historic Cicada Club in Downtown LA, started a film maker's group and recorded and released a single, "Love is Calling" (which earned her a nomination for "Best Songwriter and Performing Artist"at ICFF, the largest Faith Based Film and Music festival in the world) by spring of 2021.
Covid created the desire to relocate to a more tranquil location and New Mexico, (an old home base from her high school daze) was quickly turning into the next Film and Television capital of America... And that is indeed where she has landed! (Plus, she really missed the red & green chile and anything and everything blue corn!!!)
Sara Rose loves to collaborate and facilitate, bringing people together to inspire hearts and minds and encourage the unique light in each of us to shine its brightest!
She currently resides in the East Mountains of Albuquerque where she co-pilots the collaborative film making group "Special Anomaly Productions" with a handful of her favorite , like minded creatives, works on her writing and music, and substitute teaches a few days a week.

At the Cicada Club in the
Historic Oviatt Building, Downtown LA


Blues in Topanga